#AI #Blockchain #Investment

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💁🏻 About Me

Hello! My name is JaeYoung Kim, and I am 28 years old from South Korea. Last year, I obtained double degrees in Big Data and Bio-material Science from Pusan National University. After graduation, I received six months of education as a blockchain engineer.

During that time, I also did Ethereum mining and earned some money through NFT, which allowed me to come to Japan.

****I’ve been trading stocks, commodities, and forex since I was 18, and I learned data analysis to improve my investments. It helped me think differently from others and allowed me to concretize the ideas.

I’ve lost amount of money a few times because of risk management failures, but I‘ve learned valuable lessons from those experiences.

I enjoy learning languages, reading book & news, keeping up with new technology and I like to imagine what is going to happen next

🚴‍♂️ Personal Experience & Projects

NFT-Backed Loan Service

DB Financial investment, Financial and Economic Contest